
2020-10-21 14:50点击次数:1532

12.Their methods do not attempt to estimate the actual biomass (the amount of living biological matter) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean, but rather changes in that biomass over time.
【主干识别】Their methods do not attempt to estimate the actual biomass but changes.
【其他成分】括号中的内容对biomass进行解释和说明;of speciesin particular parts of the ocean做后置定语修饰biomass in that biomass over time后置定语修饰changes
【难点揭秘】estimate的宾语为the actual biomass changes的并列,并列连词为but , 在阅读的过程中往往 会由于长定语的分割而产生阅读的障碍;

13. One leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better.
 【主干识别】one leading authority says that+宾语从句;
【其他成分】宾语从句的主干是these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control; 并列连词not only but also…连接两个并列的动词harnessed broughtto help us sleep and feel better 为目的状语

14.But if robots are to reach the next stage of laborsaving utility, they will have to operate with less human supervision and be able to make at least a few decisions for them- selvesgoals that pose a real challenge.
【主干识别】they will have to operate and be able to make a few decisions. 并列的两个谓语由and 连接;
【其他成分】But if robots are to reach the next stage of laborsaving utility状语;with less human supervision状语;at least状语;goals that pose a real challenge整个句子的同位语。
【微观解析】同位语goals 被定语从句修饰;

15. But the human mind can glimpse a rapidly changing scene and immediately disregard the 98 percent that is irrelevant, instantaneously focusing on the monkey at the side of a winding forest road or the single suspicious face in a big crowd.
【主干识别】the human mind can glimpse a rapidly changing scene and immediately disregard the 98 percent并列的两个动词glimpsedisregard
【其他成分】that is irrelevant 修饰 the 98percent; focusing on the monkey at the side of a winding forest road or the single suspicious face in a big crowd. 现在分词短语作状语,focus 的动作发出者就是句子主语human mind
【微观解析】the monkey or the single suspicious face focus on 的并列宾语

16.A comparison of British geological publications over the last century and a half reveals not simply an increasing emphasis on the primacy of research, but also a changing definition of what constitutes an acceptable research paper.
【主干识别】A comparison reveals notbut also …主谓宾结构
【其他成分】of British geological publications定语修饰comparison, over the last century and a half定语修饰publicationsan increasing emphasis on the primacy of research宾语,a changing definition of what constitutes an acceptable research paper并列宾语
【微观解析】an increasing emphasis on the primacy of research其中on the primacy of research修饰emphasis;
research修饰definition ; what 引导一个宾语从句作of 的宾语,what为宾语从句中的主语。

17. I believe that the most important forces behind the massive M&A wave are the same that underlie the globalization process: falling transportation and communication costs, lower trade and investment barriers and enlarged markets that require enlarged operations capable of meeting customers demands.
【主干识别】I believe that+宾语从句
【其他成分】the most important forces behind the massive M&A wave are the same 为宾语从句主干;that underlie the globalization process为定语从句;“:”后为对forces的解释;
【微观解析】三种力量的并列为falling transportation and communication costs,以及lower trade and investment barriers enlarged markets后面接一个定语从句 that require enlarged operations和后置定语形容词短语:capable of meeting customers demands
18. It is entirely reasonable for auditors to believe that scientists who know exactly where they are going and how they will get there should not be distracted by the necessity of keeping one eye on the cash register while the other eye is on the microscope.
【主干识别】It is entirely reasonable to believe that +宾语从句. 形式主语从句
【其他成分】for auditors 状语;scientists who know exactly where they are going and how they will get there should not be distracted by the necessity of keeping one eye on the cash register while the other eye is on the microscope.宾语从句。
【微观解析】scientists should not be distracted 宾语从句主干;who know exactly where they are going and how they will get there 定语从句修饰scientistwhere they are going and how they will get there定语从句中know的宾语从句;by the necessity of keeping one eye on the cash register while the other eye is on the microscope.状语;of keeping one eye on the cash register修饰the necessity 作定语。while the other eye is on the microscope状语修饰keeping
【翻译点拨】by短语在句子中是充当状语,翻译为原因,where they are going and how they will get there处理为知道做什么,知道怎么做,这样的表达符合中文的习惯。如果直接翻译为:知道他们要去哪里和怎么去,就是对于字面含义的翻译。属于死译。

19. Instead, we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles, which now more than ever seem in ample supply: the critic of American materialism with a Southampton summer home; the publisher of radical books who takes his meals in three-star restaurants; the journalist advocating participatory democracy in all phases of life, whose own children are enrolled in private schools.
【主干识别】we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles 主谓结构的被动态
【其他成分】 which now more than ever seem in ample supply 定语从句修饰spectacles;“:”之后列出三种虚伪的景象的代表人物,举例说明。

20.But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the riverand then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers, "Pluff! Pluff! A hundred and eighty-five kilograms."
【主干识别】 it is a little upsetting to read that+宾语从句and then to find that+宾语从句;形式主语句,句子主语为 to read and to find.在主语中带有两个动词不定式中的宾语从句;
【其他成分】 in the explanatory notes 状语;a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge宾语从句主干;off which they both fall into the river起连接句子作用的定语从句;the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers宾语从句主干;"Pluff! Pluff! A hundred and eighty-five kilograms."Line的同位语。
【微观解析】off which they both fall into the river还原为一个句子就是:they both fall into the river off the bridge.

21. The examples of Virtual Vineyards, Amazon.com, and other pioneers show that a Web site selling the right kind of products with the right mix of interactivity, hospitality, and security will attract online customers.
【主干识别】The examples show that+宾语从句;主谓宾结构
【其他成分】of Virtual Vineyards, Amazon.com, and other pioneersexample的同位语;我们把其看作为:A of B 的结构,A为上义词,B 为下义词,这样在翻译的处理中我们不需要生硬的翻译为“……的例子”;a Web site selling the right kind of products with the right mix of interactivity, hospitality, and security will attract online customers.宾语从句
【微观解析】 selling the right kind of products with the right mix of interactivity, hospitality, and security现在分词短语修饰a web site; 宾语从句主干为:a Web site will attract online customers.
【译文赏析】像Virtual VineyardsAmazoncom这样的先驱网站表明,一个将交互性、服务性和安全性合理结合,且销售正确产品的网站是可以吸引来网上客户的。

22.They gather all the data they can, not just performance statistics and biographical details but also the results of their own laboratory experiments with high achievers.
【主干识别】They gather all the data. 主谓宾结构。
【其他成分】they can 的完整表达为:that they can gather ; 出于简洁的考虑省掉了that gathernot just performance statistics and biographical details but also the results of their own laboratory experiments with high achievers整个部分是data 的同位语。
【微观解析】同位语中第一部分是performance statistics and biographical details;第二个部分为the results of their own laboratory experiments with high achievers,其中with high achievers为定语修饰experiments.
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