
2020-10-21 15:13点击次数:2008

34.New ways of organizing the workplace--all that reengineering and downsizing--are only one contribution to the overall productivity of an economy, which is driven by many other factors such as joint investment in equipment and machinery, new technology, and investment in education and training.
【主干识别】New ways of organizing the workplace are only one contribution to the overall productivity of an economy.主系表结构
【其他成分】 all that re-engineering and downsizing 同位语;which is driven by many other factors such as joint investment in equipment and machinery, new technology, and investment in education and training.非限定性定语从句。
【微观解析】such as 做后置定语

35. President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a saving-account model,with retirees trading much or  all of their guaranteed payments for payment depending on investment returns.
【主干识别】Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a model加独立主格结构。
【其他成分】with retirees trading much or all of their guaranteed payments for paymentsdepending on investment returns。在这里需要搞清楚独立主格的本质,就是将两个主语不同但有内在逻辑联系的句子合为一个句子,因而这个结构便可理解为retirees traded much or all of their guaranteed payments for payments depending on investment returns非谓语作后置定语修饰payments
【微观解析】理解含有独立主格的句子的关键在于分割,要将with后面的句子还原,单独翻译。而对payments修饰若是变为定语从句则为 which depended on investment returns.这种对于名词修饰形式的转变可以灵活的运用于写作中的。

36. Its all deliciously ironic when you consider that Shakespeare, who earns their living, was himself an actor (with a beard) and did his share of noise-making.
【主干识别】it is ironic+时间状语从句
【其他成分】when you consider that 时间状语从句;who earns their living 非限制性定语从句,修饰Shakespeare,它的特殊之处在于处于主谓之间,起到了主谓隔离的作用,这样处理使句子内部长短相间,错落有致,写作中可以灵活运用。
【微观解析】首先要找清楚Shakespeare所搭配的动词是 was,而且was himself an actor (with a beard) and did his share of noise-making.这个句子是强调句(部分强调),可还原为when you consider that Shakespeare was an actor (with a beard) and his share of noise-making.
其次再找定语从句who earns their living的修饰对象是Shakespeare
【翻译点拨】did his share of noise-making 在翻译时不要生硬的翻译为:为噪声的制造做出了自己的贡献,这里的翻译可以是:他也参与了噪声的制造或者是他就是噪声中的一部分。

37.To those who are unaware that animal research was needed to produce these treatments, as well as new treatments and vaccines, animal research seems wasteful at best and cruel at worst.
【主干识别】animal research seems wasteful at best and cruel at worst 加定语从句
【其他成分】who are unaware that 定语从句;that animal research was needed to produce these treatments宾语从句,to produce these treatments表示目的的不定式;these treatments, as well as new treatments and vaccines三个事物的并列,理解为these treatments new treatments and vaccines的并列。
【微观解析】句子的语序若是调整为animal research seemsto those who…这样的结构会更加的条理。进而再解析其中的定语从句,以及定语从句中的宾语从句。
【难点揭秘】 原句中的语序调整,以及状语部分的长度会给找句子主干带来困难。
【译文赏析】 有一些人他们不知道动物研究对于这些治疗方法和一些新的治疗方法以及疫苗而言是必须的,对于他们来讲,动物研究说的最好听是浪费,说得最难听是残忍。

38.I have discovered, as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress, that abandoning the doctrine of "juggling your life", and making the alternative move into downshifting brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status.
【主干识别】I have discovered that 加宾语从句
【其他成分】as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress非限制性定语从句,可还原主干为 as Kelsey will discover)…,after a build-up of stress作状语;that后面是一个宾语从句,主干为bandoning the doctrine and making the move brings with it rewards.
【微观解析】解析这个句子应该先找discovered后的宾语从句的主干,再解析。of "juggling your life"doctrine的定语,far greater rewards than financial success and social status.是关于回报的一个比较。而as所引导的非限制性定语从句则是对整个句子的一个修饰,应放到最后来解析。

39.Last year Mitsuo Setoyama, who was then education minister, raised eyebrows when he argued that liberal reforms introduced by the American occupation authorities after World WarII had weakened the "Japanese morality of respect for parents".
【主干识别】Mitsuo Setoyama raised eyebrows+时间状语从句
【其他成分】who was then education minister 定语从句,修饰Mitsuo Setoyamawhen引导的时间状语从句的主干为he argued that liberal reforms had weakened the moralityiberal reforms had weakened the morality宾语从句;introduced by the American occupation authorities非谓语结构作定语修饰reformsafter World WarII置于句中,作时间状语。
【微观解析】抓住句子主干后应该一层一层的理解句子中的成分。解析定语从句应找到其相应的先行词,而when 引导的时间状语从句比较长,确定主谓宾关系后再将各个修饰成份加入。

40.When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal.
 【主干识别】it is advisable to find out 加时间状语从句,原因状语从句,让步状语从句。
【其他成分】when a new movement in art attains a certain fashion时间状语从句;what its advocates are aiming at 宾语从句;for it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal原因状语从句。
【微观解析】 it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal形式主语从句,in yeas to come为状语,however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today让步状语从句,其正常语序为:their principles may seem however farfetched and unreasonablethey 指代principles

 41. With regard to Futurist poetry, however, the case is rather difficult, for whatever Futurist poetry may be even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be rightit can hardly be classed as Literature.
【主干识别】the case is rather difficult 加原因状语从句
【其他成分】With regard to Futurist poetry状语;for it can hardly be classed as Literature.原因状语从句;whatever Futurist poetry may be even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right原因状语从句中的让步状语从句。
【微观解析】 whatever Futurist poetry may be even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right中,even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right在句中充当状语,admmiting 后接宾语从句,主干为the theory may be righton which it is based作定语修饰the theoryit 指代futurist poetry

42. Apart from the fact that twenty-seven acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements.
【主干识别】no regular advertiser dare promote a product 加定语从句
【其他成分】Apart from the fact 介词结构作状语;that twenty-seven acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising同位语从句对fact的进一步阐释;that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements定语从句,修饰product
【翻译点拨】对于live up to 的翻译用到的是常见的反译法的技巧,反译法即正话反说,来表达相同的意思。如:.I lay awake all night.(我一夜没合眼.。) He never lies.(他每次都说真话。)
43.The notion is that people have failed to detect the massive changes which have happened in the ocean because 
they have been looking back only a relatively short time into the past.
【主干识别】The notion is that 加表语从句
【其他成分】people have failed to detect the massive changes 表语从句(表语从句是对主语的阐释。);which have happened in the ocean 定语从句,修饰为changesbecause they have been looking back only a relatively short time into the past原因状语从句。
【微观解析】句子的主干是The notion is that+表语从句,而定语从句则是修饰表语从句中的一个词,因此在理解翻译时需要注意主次关系。对于fail这一类带有否定意味的词可直接作为not来理解。relatively 修饰short .

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