纽约时报:加强运动也许并不能减肥| 双语精读

2020-11-09 15:53点击次数:673

(标题)Why Exercise Alone May Not Be the Key to Weight Loss
(副标题)If you give a mouse a running wheel, it will run.
① But it may not burn many additional calories, because it will also start to move differently when it is not on the wheel, according to an interesting new study of the behaviors and metabolisms of exercising mice. ② The study, published in Diabetes, involved animals, but it could have cautionary implications for people who start exercising in the hopes of losing weight.
  • burn many additional calories:燃烧多余的热量;消耗多余的卡路里。
  • metabolism:n.  新陈代谢  /məˈtæbəlɪzəm/  The body's metabolism is slowed down by extreme cold. 严寒可以使身体新陈代谢的速度下降。
  • mice:n. 老鼠(mouse的复数)
  • ⭐️have cautionary implications for people:对人有警示意义。① cautionary:adj.  /ˈkɔːʃənəri/   劝告的;告诫的;警告的  In her conclusion, the author sounds a cautionary note . 作者在结尾时敲响了警钟。② implication n.   /ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃn/  可能的影响(或作用、结果)
  • in the hopes of sth:怀有...的期望。
① In recent years, study after study examining exercise and weight loss among people and animals has concluded that, by itself, exercise is not an effective way to drop pounds. ② In most of these experiments, the participants lost far less weight than would have been expected, mathematically, given how many additional calories they were burning with their workouts.
  • itself 指代 exercise
  • drop pounds:减磅;减肥。pound: 磅(重量单位,合0.454千克)
  • lost far less weight: far less:远不及; 大大小于,少得多
  • ⭐️would have been expected: would have been done 虚拟语气 表示与过去事实相反的情况(本来以为...)
  • mathematically: /ˌmæθəˈmætɪkli/  从计算上来说;算术地,数学上地
  • ⭐️given:prep. 考虑到;鉴于 也可以替换成provided / considering
  • workouts:n.   /ˈwɜːkaʊt/  锻炼 同义替换上文的 exercise。
① Scientists involved in this research have suspected and sometimes shown that exercisers, whatever their species, tend to become hungrier and consume more calories after physical activity. ② They also may grow more sedentary outside of exercise sessions. ③ Together or separately, these changes could compensate for the extra energy used during exercise, meaning that, over all, energy expenditure doesn’t change and a person’s or rodent’s weight remains stubbornly the same.
  • ⭐️Scientists involved in this research:这个结构直译是:包含进/涉及进这项研究的科学家。那其实也就是“参与了这项研究...”
  • tend  (to/towards sth) 倾向于; 往往会
  • consume more calories:摄入更多的卡路里
  • physical activity:锻炼  相当于上文的 workouts和 exercise。
  • sedentary:adj.   /ˈsedntri/   ( of people 人 )   惯于久坐不动的  He became increasingly sedentary in later life. 到晚年,他变得越来越不爱动了。 
  • ⭐️outside of exercise sessions:除了运动以外的时间。⭐️outside在这里是prep(介词)相当于 apart from
  • compensate for: 赔偿,补偿 同义词 make up for
  • over all:总的;总体来说。
  • expenditure:n.   /ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)/  (精力、时间、材料等的)耗费,消耗
  • ⭐️remains stubbornly the same:(顽固地)保持不变。stubbornly adv. 顽固地;倔强地 表示强调和程度。
① Proving that possibility has been daunting, though, in part because it is difficult to quantify every physical movement someone or something makes, and how their movements do or do not change after exercise. ② Mice, for instance, skitter, dart, freeze, groom, eat, roam, defecate and otherwise flit about in frequent fits and starts.
  • ⭐️daunting:adj.  /ˈdɔːntɪŋ/  使人畏缩的;使人气馁的;令人怯步的。反义词:dauntless  /ˈdɔːntləs/  adj. 无畏的;勇敢的;不屈不挠的
  • quantify:V. v.   /ˈkwɒntɪfaɪ/   以数量表述;量化 The risks to health are impossible to quantify. 健康的风险是无法用数量表示的。
  • otherwise:adv.   /ˈʌðəwaɪz/  在这里是 除此以外 的意思 相当于 apart from
  • ⭐️fits and starts: 间歇的; 断断续续的
① But recently, animal researchers hit upon the idea of using infrared light beams to track how animals move at any given moment in their cages. ② Sophisticated software then can use that information to map daily patterns of physical activity, showing, second-by-second, when, where and for how long an animal roams, sits, runs or otherwise spends its time.
  • ⭐️hit upon the idea of ...:突然想到了做...的办法。
  • track:V.  /træk/  (尤指用特殊电子设备)跟踪,追踪
  • ⭐️map daily patterns:熟词僻意 map 在这里是 动词 描绘;提供信息(尤指其编排或组织方式)的意思。 It is now possible to map the different functions of the brain. 现在已有可能了解大脑的各种功能。 
① Intrigued, scientists at Vanderbilt University and other institutions thought that this technology would be ideal for tracking mice before and after they started exercising, especially if the technology were used in specialized metabolic-chamber cages that can quantify how much energy an inhabitant is expending throughout the day.
范德比尔特大学(Vanderbilt University)等机构的科学家们对此很感兴趣,他们认为,这项技术非常适合对小鼠锻炼前后的情况进行跟踪,尤其是用在专门的代谢室笼子里时——这种笼子可以量化栖息其中的一只动物一天内消耗的能量。
  • intrigued: adj.   /ɪnˈtriːɡd/  着迷;很感兴趣;好奇 I would be intrigued to hear others' views.  我对倾听别人的看法会感兴趣的。
  • institution: (大学、银行等规模大的)机构。文中当然就是指大学啦。
  • specialized  adj.   /ˈspeʃəlaɪzd/   专用的;专业的;专门的
  • inhabitant:n.   /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/  (某地的)居民,栖息动物。这里指笼子里的老鼠。
① So the scientists fitted out cages, added locked running wheels, and let young, healthy, normal-weight, male mice loose in them to roam and explore for four days, providing the researchers with baseline data about each mouse’s metabolism and natural peripatetic-ness. ② The wheels then were unlocked and for nine days, the mice could run at will, while also eating and moving around off the wheels as much as they chose.
  • loose 在这里相当于release 释放。  loose in them 补充完整就是 loose those mice in cages。them 代指笼子。
  • baseline data:基础数据 baseline  n.   /ˈbeɪslaɪn/  基础;起点
  • ⭐️peripatetic:adj.  /ˌperipəˈtetɪk/  漫游的;逍遥学派的 这个词的名词形式也指“走来走去的人(或动物)
  • ⭐️at will:随意;任意
  • while 在这里是“与此同时”的意思。
① The mice, which seem to enjoy running, hopped readily on the wheels and ran, off and on, for hours. ② They showed a subsequent spike in their daily energy expenditure, according to the metabolic measures, which makes sense, since they had added exercise to their lives. ③But they did not change their eating habits. ④ Although they were burning more calories, they did not gorge on more chow. ⑤ They did, however, alter how they moved. ⑥ Almost immediately after they started using the wheels, they stopped roaming around their cages as they had before the wheels were unlocked.
  • readily:adv.   /ˈredɪli/  欣然地;乐意地
  • off and on:断断续续地,时不时地
  • subsequent:adj.   /ˈsʌbsɪkwənt/ 随后的;后来的;之后的
  • spike n.  /spaɪk/ = a sudden large increase in sth 猛增;急升a spike in oil prices 油价的急剧上涨
  • make sense:有道理;说得通。
  • gorge on more chow:狼吞虎咽更多的食物。① gorge on 贪婪地吃;狼吞虎咽 ② chow: n.     /tʃaʊ/ = food 吃的东西
① In particular, they stopped engaging in the kind of lengthy meanders that had been common before they began to run. ②  Instead, they now usually jogged on their wheels for a few minutes, hopped off, rested or roamed in short spurts, and then climbed back on the wheels, ran, rested, briefly roamed, and repeated.
  • engage in sth:参与...活动
  • lengthy meanders:漫长的散步。meander:v.   /miˈændə(r)/  漫步;闲逛 同义词 wander
  • ⭐️in short spurts:在短期内。spurt:n.  /spɜːt/  (速度、干劲、活动或感情的)短时激增,迸发  关于这个词,再补充一个固定短语:put on a spurt 加把劲
① These changes in how they spent their time neatly managed to almost counteract the extra calorie costs from running, says Daniel Lark, a research fellow in molecular physiology at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, who led the new study.② In general, the running mice showed a slightly negative energy balance, meaning that they were burning a few more calories over the course of the day than they were taking in by chowing down.
这项新研究的负责人、范德比尔特大学医学院的分子生理学研究员丹尼尔·拉克(Daniel Lark)表示,它们在时间安排上的改变几乎抵消了跑步带来的额外热量消耗。总的来说,跑步的小鼠表现出轻微的能量负平衡,也就是说,它们一天中燃烧的热量比它们通过进食摄入的能量要多一点。
  • neatly:adv. 整洁地;整齐地;恰好
  • counteract the extra calorie: 抵消了额外的热量。 counteract  v.   /ˌkaʊntərˈækt/   抵制;抵消;抵抗 同义词:counter
  • a research fellow:一位研究员
  • the course of the day:一天之中。⭐️ the course of+ 时间= during 在…的过程中
① But that caloric deficit would have been about 45 percent greater, the metabolic calculations showed, if they had not also begun moving around their cages less. ② What prompted the running mice to roam less is still uncertain.③  “But it does not seem to have been fatigue or lack of time,” Dr. Lark says.④ Wheel running is not arduous for mice, he points out, and did not fill their waking hours.
  • caloric deficit :热量赤字
  • prompt:V.    /prɒmpt/  促使;导致;激起
  • fatigue:n.   /fəˈtiːɡ/ 疲劳;劳累 同义词:exhaustion;tiredness
  • arduous:adj.   /ˈɑːdjuəs/  艰苦的;艰难的
① Instead, he says, it is likely that the animals’ bodies and brains sensed the beginnings of an energy deficit when the mice began to run and sent out biological signals that somehow advised the animals to slow down, conserve energy, maintain homeostasis and not drop weight. ② He and his colleagues would like, in future experiments, to explore how, physiologically, the rodents’ bodies sensed the changes in their energy balance and at what point they might begin to eat more. ③ They also would like to study female, older and obese animals.
  • sent out biological signals:发出生物信号。
  • somehow   adv.   /ˈsʌmhaʊ/   以某种方式(或方法)
  • ⭐️homeostasis:n.   /ˌhəʊmiəˈsteɪsɪs/  体內稳态,内环境稳定(身体对变化作出自我调整)
  • obese:adj.   /əʊˈbiːs/ 臃肿的;虚胖的;病态肥胖的 名词是:obesity 肥胖
① Mice will never be people, of course, so we cannot say whether the results of this and any follow-up experiments would directly apply to us, Dr. Lark says. ② But the results do intimate that if we hope to exercise off excess pounds, we watch what we eat and try not to move less while we work out more.
  • follow-up experiments :接下来的实验。follow-up 后续行动;后续事物
  • apply to sb:适用于某人
  • ⭐️intimate:V.  /ˈɪntɪmeɪt/  透露;(间接)表示;暗示 这个词的形容词形式用得比较多,是 亲密的;密切的 的意思。We're not on intimate terms with our neighbours. 我们和邻居来往不多。
  • exercise off excess pounds:减掉;锻炼掉多余的体重。
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