
2021-04-20 09:50点击次数:1646

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

It’s not difficult to set targets for staff. It is much harder,        1       , to understand their negative consequences. Most work-related behaviors have multiple components.           2      one and the others become distorted.

Travel on a London bus and you’ll        3        see how this works with drivers. Watch people get on and show their tickets. Are they carefully inspected? Never. Do people get on without paying? Of course! Are there inspectors to          4     that people have paid? Possibly, but very few. And people who run for the bus? They are       5      . How about jumping lights? Buses do so almost as frequently as cyclists.

Why? Because the target is        6        . People complained that buses were late and infrequent.        7       , the number of buses and bus lanes were increased, and drivers were     8      or punished according to the time they took. And drivers hit these targets. But they         9       hit cyclists. If the target was changed to        10         , you would have more inspectors and more sensitive pricing. If the criterion changed to safety, you would get more             11       drivers who obeyed traffic laws. But both these criteria would be at the expense of time.

There is another     12      : people became immensely inventive in hitting targets. Have you      13      that you can leave on a flight an hour late but still arrive on time? Tailwinds? Of course not! Airlines have simply changed the time a   14    is meant to take. A one-hour flight is now ballad as a two-hour flight.

The     15     of the story is simple. Most jobs are multidimensional, with multiple criteria. Choose one criterion and you may well     16     others. Everything can be done faster and made cheaper, but there is a     17     . Setting targets can and does have unforeseen negative consequences.

This is not an argument against target-setting. But it is an argument for exploring consequences first. All good targets should have multiple criteria     18     critical factors such as time, money, quality and customer feedback. The trick is not only to     19     just one or even two dimensions of the objective, but also to understand how to help people better     20     the objective.

1. [A] therefore [B] however [C] again [D] moreover

2. [A] Emphasize [B] Identify [C] Assess [D] Explain

3. [A] nearly [B] curiously [C] eagerly [D] quickly

4. [A] claim [B] prove [C] check [D] recall

5. [A] threatened [B] ignored [C] mocked [D] blamed

6. [A] punctuality [B] hospitality [C] competition [D] innovation

7. [A] Yet [B] So [C] Besides [D] Still

8. [A] hired [B] trained [C] rewarded [D] grouped

9. [A] only [B] rather [C] once [D] also

10. [A] comfort [B] revenue [C] efficiency [D] security

11. [A] friendly [B] quiet [C] cautious [D] diligent

12. [A] purpose [B] problem [C] prejudice [D] policy

13. [A] reported [B] revealed [C] admitted [D] noticed

14. [A] break [B] trip [C] departure [D] transfer

15. [A] moral [B] background [C] style [D] form

16. [A] interpret [B] criticize [C] sacrifice [D] tolerate

17. [A] task [B] secret [C] product [D] cost

18. [A] leading to [B] calling for [C] relating to [D] accounting for

19. [A] specify [B] predict [C] restore [D] create

20. [A] modify [B] review [C] present [D] achieve

Section I Use of English

1. 【答案】B(however)

【解析】逻辑关系题。观察选项可知,本题考查逻辑关系。比较前后两句语义,即It’s not difficult to...(做……不难)和it is much harder to...(做……难得多),由not difficult和much harder可知,前后两句语义相反,B项however(提示转折关系)符合原文逻辑关系。本题答案为B项。


2. 【答案】A(Emphasize)

【解析】逻辑关系题。句中one和the other提示对比关系,and前后语义相反。由and后的the others become distorted(其余的就被扭曲了)可知,A项Emphasize(强调)符合原文逻辑关系,即,强调一个,其余则被忽略扭曲。本题答案为A项。


3. 【答案】D(quickly)

【解析】语境题。代词this指代前一句的观点,即,设定目标会带来负面后果:只强调一点,其余则被忽略扭曲。本句是对该观点的举例论述。对比各项语义:A项nearly(几乎),B项curiously(好奇地),C项eagerly(渴望地)和D项quickly(快速地)。其中D项符合原文语义,即:坐上伦敦公交车,你很快就会看到这点是如何体现在司机身上的(Travel on a London bus and you’ll quickly see how this works with drivers)。本题答案为D项。

4. 【答案】C(check)

【解析】语境题。观察本段句式特点,可知,本段首句(Watch people get on and show their tickets)与下文为总分关系。作者随后以自问自答的形式,引出在公交车上乘车买票这一场景中几个群体的表现。由前文Do people get on without paying? Of course!(人们会逃票上车吗?当然!)对乘客表现的提问可知,本句要对检票员(inspectors)是否尽到检票责任提问。因此C项check(检查)符合原文语义。本题答案为C项。


5. 【答案】B(ignored)

【解析】语境题。借助前文Are there inspectors to  4   that people have paid? Possibly, but very few(有检察员检查大家是否支付吗?可能有,但是很少)可知,本句对赶公交的人这个群体的提问也涉及到是否买票的问题。根据前文中各个群体的表现可知,他们买票与否很可能也无人注意。B项ignored(被忽视)符合语义,本题答案为B项。


6. 【答案】A(punctuality)

【解析】逻辑关系题。本句为段首句,本段下文与段首句为总分关系,语义一致。借助下文中drivers were    8     or punished according to the time they took(司机根据所用的时长获得  8   或惩罚),以及And drivers hit their targets(司机们达到他们的目标),可知,本句的target(目标)与时间有关。A项punctuality(准时)符合原文逻辑关系。


7. 【答案】B(So)

【解析】逻辑关系题。观察选项可知,本题考查句间逻辑关系。比较前后两句语义,即People complained that buses were late and infrequent(人们抱怨公交车晚点且班次较少)和the number of buses and bus lanes were increased(公交车和公交车道的数量增加),可知二者为因果关系,即,人们抱怨为因,增加公交车数量为果。B项So(所以)符合原文逻辑关系。本题答案为B项。


8. 【答案】C(rewarded)



9. 【答案】D(also)

【解析】逻辑关系题。观察选项可知,本题考查句间逻辑关系。比较上句drivers hit these targets与本句they  9   hit cyclists,可发现,hit为原词复现,提示两句为平行结构,D项also(也)符合原文逻辑,即,两个hit两个目标:前者hit到的是真正目标;后者hit到的是cyclists,意为误撞。由此引出设定目标带来的负面后果。本题答案为D项。


10. 【答案】B(revenue)

【解析】语境题。根据后半句you would have more inspectors and more sensitive pricing(你将会看到更多检票员和更敏感的价格)可知,本题与金钱有关。B项revenue(收益)符合原文语义。本题答案为B项。


11. 【答案】C(cautious)

【解析】语境题。本句选项均为修饰drivers(司机)的形容词,根据本句If the criterion changed to safety(如果把标准改为安全性)可知,修饰司机的形容词需要体现司机安全驾驶的能力。因此D项cautious(谨慎的)符合原文语义,即,你将会看到更加谨慎且遵守交通规则的司机。本题答案为C项。


12. 【答案】B(problem)

【解析】逻辑关系题。another提示本句与前文语义一致。根据上句But both these criterion would be at the expense of time(此处criterion可理解为target,意为:但这两个标准都将以牺牲时间为代价),可知,前文在说设立目标所致的负面影响。B项problem(问题)可与前文的负面影响进行呼应,符合原文逻辑关系。本题答案为B项。


13. 【答案】D(noticed)


14. 【答案】B(trip)

【解析】语境题。根据13题所在句语义“飞机起飞迟了一小时,却仍然准时到达”,及下句A one-hour flight is now billed as a two-hour flight(一小时的航程按两个小时收费)可知,此处,航空公司改变的是trip(旅程、航程)应花的时长。本题答案为B项。


15. 【答案】A(moral)

【解析】语境题。the story指代前文航空公司为准时到达而修改航班实际时长,本句是对该故事的总结。A项moral(寓意)与story组成“the moral of the story”,意为“该故事的寓意”,符合原文语义。本题答案为A。


16. 【答案】C(sacrifice)

【解析】逻辑关系题。one和others提示对比,and前后内容语义相反。而且,本句与前一句所组成的结构“Most jobs are multidimensional, with multiple criteria. Choose one criterion and you may well  16   others”与首段最后两句的结构Most work-related behaviors have multiple components.  2   one and the others become distorted相似,语义也相近。借助首段对应部分的the others become distorted可知,C项符合原文逻辑关系,即:选择一个标准,你可能就要牺牲另一个。本题答案为C项。


17. 【答案】D(cost)

【解析】逻辑关系题。本句中的but提示前后语义相反。由前半句Everything can be done faster and made cheaper(每件事都可以完成得很快,成本很低)可知,D项cost(代价)符合原文逻辑关系,即:但这是有代价的。本题答案为D项。


18. 【答案】C(relating to)

【解析】语境题。本题考查连接multiple criteria和critical factors的形容词短语语义。比较各选项语义,A项leading to(导致),B项calling for(要求),C项relating to(关于)和D项accounting for(对……作出解释),可知,C项符合原文语义,即,所有好的目标都应具有与关键因素(如时间、金钱、质量和用户反馈)相关的多个标准。本题答案为C项。

19. 【答案】A(specify)

【解析】逻辑关系题。not only ... but also提示递进关系,借助understand可知,先确定目标才能进一步理解目标,所以A项specify(明确规定)符合原文逻辑关系,即,诀窍是不仅要确定目标的一个甚至两个方面,而且要理解……。本题答案为A项。

干扰选项:B项predict(预 测),C项restore(恢复)和D项create(创造)均不符合原文逻辑关系。

20. 【答案】D(achieve)

【解析】语境题。比较各项语义,A项modify(修改),B项review(复习)和C项present(展示)和D项achieve(实现),可知D项最符合原文语义,即,实现目标(achieve the objective)。本题答案为D。



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