
2021-11-02 09:52点击次数:2034

The spreading brain damage witnessed by Sehaller’s team was probably caused by the release of glutamate, a neurotransmitter, from brain cells stimulated during limb movement. At high doses, glutamate is toxic even to healthy nerve cells. And Schallert believes that a brain injury makes neighboring cells unusually susceptible to the neurotransmitter’s toxic effects.
74. The results made Schallert’ s team aware of the fact that________.
 A. glutamate can have toxic efforts on healthy nerve cells
 B. exercise can boost the release of glutamate
 C. glutamate is a neurotransmitter
 D. all of the above
【分析】很多人会选择D,因为觉得ABC三项在文章中都提到了。实际上题干是问:研究结果使得Schallert团队意识到了什么事实?原文第一句The spreading brain damage (witnessed by Sehaller’s team) was probably caused by the release of glutamate, (a neurotransmitter, from brain cells stimulated during limb movement). 脑损伤的扩散的结果可能是由谷氨酸的释放造成的。可知a neurotransmitter, from brain cells (stimulated during limb movement)一种神经递质,来自肢体运动时受到刺激的脑细胞,这是glutamate的同位语,这是Schallert原本就知道的事实,不是这个实验结果让他们意思到的。C项和B项是原文同位语的同义替换,因此可以排除。在结合第二句At high doses, glutamate is toxic even to healthy nerve cells. 高剂量的谷氨酸甚至对健康的神经细胞也是有毒的。可知A选项“谷氨酸对健康的神经细胞有毒性作用”是这个实验结果让该团队意识到的内容,因此选A
Insurance coverage for palliative and hospice care also contributes to the problem by forcing people to choose between treatment or hospice care. This “either/or” approach does not readily allow these two types of essential care to be integrated. The Medicare hospice benefit is designed specifically for people in the final stages of illness and allows enrollment only if patients are expected to survive six months or less. The benefit excludes patients from seeking both palliative care and potentially life-extending treatment.
69. The main problem of insurance coverage for hospice care and active treatment is that ______.
A. it does not allow patients to seek both
B. it only covers patients whose life expectancy is less than six months
C. it deprives patients of the right to choose between two proven treatment methods
D. hospice care is only covered when it may extend a patient’s life expectancy
【分析】很多人会选B,因为觉得原文中有和B项一模一样的句子。首先我们要分析原文定位段的句子关系Insurance coverage (for palliative and hospice care) also contributes to the problem (by forcing people to choose between treatment or hospice care). This “either/or” approach does not readily allow these two types of essential care to be integrated.(段落主题句,指出目前保险条款要求在积极治疗和姑息治疗中只能选一个,不能两者同时选)The Medicare hospice benefit is designed specifically for people in the final stages of illness and allows enrollment only if patients are expected to survive six months or less.(具体介绍临终关怀医疗保险福利的内容,是对第一句话的提出的问题的原因解释) The benefit excludes patients from seeking both palliative care and potentially life-extending treatment.(也是具体介绍医疗保险福利的内容)。题干是问保险条款的主要内容是什么?因此只有A选项是正面回答其问题所在。B只是在客观详细介绍保险条款内容。C项说保险条款剥夺了人们在这两者方法中选择的权利,而原文是说可以二选一。选项D“只有当可能延长病人的寿命的情况时,晚期病人收容治疗才被保险覆盖与第四第三句医疗保险收容所救济金专门为晚期病人设立的,只有预期病人只能存活六个月或不到六个月的病人才能登记意思不符。因此正确答案是A项。

Publishing in scientific journals is the most common and powerful means to disseminate new research findings. Visibility and credibility in the scientific world require publishing in journals that are included in global indexing databases such as those of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). Most scientists in developing countries remain at the periphery of this critical communication process, exacerbating the low international recognition and impact of their accomplishments.
The essence of the African situation is captured by R.J.W. Tijssen's analysis of publications by African authors. Surprisingly, About half of the ISI-indexed papers with at least one author with an African address have non-African partners outside of the continent. These figures vary, country by country, sometimes in surprising ways. For example, 85% of the papers published from Mali or Gabon involve collaborations on other continents, versus 39% and 29%, respectively, for South African and Egypt, the continent's leading research producers. Thus, much of the Africa research system is now highly dependent on collaborations.
18. The survey conducted by Tijssen justified the author's view that ______.
A. to publish is to disseminate new research findings across the globe
B. new research findings ought to be published in the globally indexed journals
C. such importance should be attached to global collaborations in doing science
D. most scientists in developing countries remain marginalized in global science publishing
【分析】很多人会选择C项,因为觉得根据题干应该在定位段找,然后第二段的最后一句话有原文相同的单词。首先我们来审题:由Tijssen所做的调查证明了作者什么观点是正确的。也是说题干没有问调查的具体内容,因此第二段讲调查具体内容的段落,我们可以不用看。调查是例证,它是为了证明文章前面作者提出的观点。因此我们定位到第一段。第一段句子间关系是Publishing (in scientific journals) is (the most common and powerful) means (to disseminate new research findings). Visibility and credibility (in the scientific world) require publishing in journals (that are included in global indexing databases such as those of the Institute for Scientific Information) (ISI). (开篇通过事实背景知识介绍引入本文话题:在科学期刊上发表文章很重要,科学界的可视度和可信度要求在全球索引数据库期刊上发表文章)Most scientists (in developing countries) remain at the periphery of this critical communication process, exacerbating the low international recognition and impact of their accomplishments.(段落主题句:作者这事实背景下发现了社会上的不良现象,即发展中国家目前处于科学出版的边缘地带)。接着为了证明作者发现的观点正确,第二段用对非洲作者的出版情况的科研调查证明了作者的观点。因此选项D是对标黄句子的主旨句,即作者观点的同义替换。A项和B项是对第一段第12句的同义替换,不是作者的观点,是事实的介绍。C项与原文不符,文章第二段最后一句作者说非洲作者高度依赖合作,这个现象并不好,强调非洲国家没有自己的竞争力。而C项说“在科研中要重视全球合作”这与作者观点相违背。因此答案选C项。
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