1. “长此以往”,汉语成语,意思是“老是这样下去(多指不好的情况)”。可以翻译为“if things go on like this,should such a state of affairs continues”等。
Many students spend all their spare time in video arcades. If nothing is done to change it, what will become of them?
2. “虚有其表”,汉语成语,意思是空有好看的外表,实际上不怎么样,表示有名无实。可以翻译为“appear better than it is,be good in appearance only,或look impressive but lack real worth”等。
He is a person of outward attraction but little worth.
3. 一劳永逸”,汉语成语,意思是辛苦一次,把事情办好,以后就不再费事了。可以翻译为“get something done once and for all”等。
Solution that holds good for all time.
Many students spend all their spare time in video arcades. If nothing is done to change it, what will become of them?
2. “虚有其表”,汉语成语,意思是空有好看的外表,实际上不怎么样,表示有名无实。可以翻译为“appear better than it is,be good in appearance only,或look impressive but lack real worth”等。
He is a person of outward attraction but little worth.
3. 一劳永逸”,汉语成语,意思是辛苦一次,把事情办好,以后就不再费事了。可以翻译为“get something done once and for all”等。
Solution that holds good for all time.