2023年华慧医学考博外刊精读:Our Aching Brain(1)

2022-10-12 10:14点击次数:1595

2023华慧医学考博外刊精读:Our Aching Brain1
COVID-19 has killed more than 4 million people around the globe. The neurological toll on those of us who survive the pandemic may stretch years or decades into the uncertain future.
刊物中导语很重要,这里neurological toll呼应标题中的aching brain,所以本文的重点是疫情后的心理问题。
I consider myself relatively lucky in a world that continues to struggle through the COVID-19 pandemic. I have not yet lost any close friends or relatives to the disease, I have remained gainfully employed throughout the turmoil, and only a few people in my inner circle have been infected by SARS-CoV-2. But I, like many, have been living with the indirect consequences of the pandemic, including social isolation, chronic anxiety, and the difficulties of navigating things such as holidays, school disruptions, and caring for older relatives. In the past 22 months, SARS-CoV-2 has infected hundreds of millions around the globe, killing more than 4.5 million as of this writing (in mid-September). But these numbers will likely be dwarfed by the number of people who face sustained battles with mental health issues sparked or exacerbated by the pandemic.
【第一句】I consider myself relatively lucky (in a world) [that continues to struggle through the COVID-19 pandemic].
【第二句】I have not yet lost any close friends or relatives (to the disease), I have remained gainfully employed (throughout the turmoil), and only a few people (in my inner circle) have been infected (by SARS-CoV-2).
【第三句】But I, like many, have been living with the indirect consequences (of the pandemic), (including social isolation, chronic anxiety, and the difficulties of navigating things such as holidays, school disruptions, and caring for older relatives).
【第四句】(In the past 22 months), SARS-CoV-2 has infected hundreds of millions (around the globe), (killing more than 4.5 million as of this writing in mid-September).
【第五句】But these numbers will likely be dwarfed by the number of people [who face sustained battles with mental health issues (sparked or exacerbated by the pandemic)].
第一句中relatively lucky”——第二句中“not yet lost any close friends or relatives+ remained gainfully employed+ a few people in my inner circle have been infected”;
第三句but转折,引出indirect consequences of the pandemic,点题brain”;
第四、五句对比论证,由数字突出疫情后mental health issuesindirect consequences的同义表达)的影响。

Quantifying the psychological damage wrought by COVID-19 is tough to do. And the trauma is almost sure to mount in the coming months and years, perhaps spanning generations. The problem is certainly on the radars of neuroscientists and clinicians. Earlier this year, the American Psychological Association conducted a survey that found some alarming trends regarding pandemic-related stress in the US: 61 percent of respondents reported undesired weight changes, 67 percent reported disrupted sleep patterns, and 23 percent reported drinking more alcohol to cope with stress. This survey was conducted in February, as vaccines were coming online and there was widespread hope that humanity was on the brink of emerging from the pandemic’s darkest days. Now, of course, despite a dramatic drop in cases in the spring and early summer after the vaccine rollout, the country faces a spike in COVID-19 approaching the surge last winter, when thousands died daily and hundreds of thousands more were diagnosed. These grim statistics are likely just the tip of a dangerous iceberg, and people around the globe confront similar mental stressors.
【第一句】Quantifying the psychological damage (wrought by COVID-19) is tough to do.
【第二句】And the trauma is almost sure to mount (in the coming months and years), (perhaps spanning generations).
【第三句】The problem is certainly on the radars of neuroscientists and clinicians.
【第四句】(Earlier this year), the American Psychological Association conducted a survey [that found some alarming trends (regarding pandemic-related stress) in the US]: 61 percent of respondents reported undesired weight changes, 67 percent reported disrupted sleep patterns, and 23 percent reported drinking more alcohol to cope with stress.
【第五句】This survey was conducted (in February), [as vaccines were coming online and there was widespread hope [that humanity was on the brink of emerging from the pandemics darkest days]].
【第六句】Now, of course, (despite a dramatic drop in cases in the spring and early summer after the vaccine rollout), the country faces a spike (in COVID-19) (approaching the surge) (last winter), [when thousands died daily and hundreds of thousands more were diagnosed].
【第七句】These grim statistics are likely just the tip of a dangerous iceberg, and people (around the globe) confront similar mental stressors.
Quantifying+tough to do/ mount in the coming months and years——给心理造成的负面影响深远;
be on the radars of ……注意到
on the brink of 濒临……;emerge from 摆脱,源于,自……出现
humanity was on the brink of emerging from the pandemic’s darkest days人类即将摆脱这次疫情最黑暗的日子
the tip of a iceberg 冰山一角
neuroscientists and clinicians+ the American Psychological Association——some alarming trends——(Earlier this year一般过去时——Now一般现在时)用数据进行佐证,疫苗的出现确诊病例一度下降,但总体趋势仍在新增;
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