
2022-11-07 09:41点击次数:1881

The epidemic is a big test. Because of Chinas large population, unbalanced regional development and insufficient total medical resources, relaxation of prevention and control will inevitably increase the risk of infection among those susceptible people. Once a large-scale rebound is formed, the spread of the epidemic will inevitably exert a serious impact on economic and social development, whose final cost and loss will be greater.
Adhering to dynamic zero COVID-19 strategy has better balanced the relationship between epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, enabling us to achieve the maximum effect of prevention and control at the minimum cost and to minimize the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development. From a practical point of view, it is precisely because of our adherence to dynamic zero COVID-19 strategy that we have ensured the extremely low morbidity, mortality and hospitalization, as well as the stable operation of society and economy.
Dynamic zero COVID-19 strategy does not seek to achieve pure zero infection, but to find and eliminate every case, which neither allows the epidemic to spread in the outbreak place nor prevents the virus from spreading to other areas. This means that, on the one hand, we cannot relax prevention and control; on the other hand, we should also be alert to excessive epidemic prevention. In order to adhere to dynamic zero COVID-19 strategy, we must constantly improve the level of scientific and precise prevention and control.
1. 原文中“我国人口众多,加上地区发展不平衡,医疗资源总量不足,放松防控势必令易感人群感染风险加大,一旦形成规模性反弹,疫情蔓延势必会对经济社会发展造成严重冲击,最终付出的代价会更高,损失会更大”,汉语表述分散,在翻译成英文的时候需要考虑逻辑关系再将其整体译出。“我国人口众多,加上地区发展不平衡,医疗资源总量不足”是原因,“放松防控势必令易感人群感染风险加大”是结论句。而后面的“一旦形成规模性反弹,疫情蔓延势必会对经济社会发展造成严重冲击,最终付出的代价会更高,损失会更大”则另起一句。故翻译成Because of Chinas large population, unbalanced regional development and insufficient total medical resources, relaxation of prevention and control will inevitably increase the risk of infection among those susceptible people. Once a large-scale rebound is formed, the spread of the epidemic will inevitably exert a serious impact on economic and social development, whose final cost and loss will be greater.
2. “动态清零并不是追求完全零感染,而是发现一起、扑灭一起”这一句话表述比较口语化,在翻译的时候需要对其进行处理。“完全零感染”中的“完全”将其转化为“纯粹的零感染”,故用到pure一词。“发现一起、扑灭一起”直接将其合并翻译成find and eliminate every case
3. “坚持动态清零,必须不断提高科学防控、精准防控水平”这一句中,“坚持动态清零”是目的,而“不断提高科学防控、精准防控水平”是“坚持动态清零”的具体做法。故翻译的时候,需要在前面加上in order to来体现出句子各部分之间的逻辑关系。

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