
2022-12-06 09:39点击次数:2977

Biotechnology is expected to bring important advances in medical diagnosis and therapy, in solving food problems, in energy saving, in environmentally compatible industrial and agricultural production, and in specially targeted environmental protection projects.  Genetically altered microorganisms can break down a wide range of pollutants by being used, for example, in bio-filters and wastewater-treatment facilities, and in the clean-up of polluted sites.  Genetically modified organ-isms can also alleviate environmental burdens by reducing the need for pesticides, fertilizers, and medications.
Sustainability, as a strategic aim, involves optimizing the interactions between nature, society, and the economy, in accordance with ecological criteria.  Political leaders and scientists alike face the challenge of recognizing interrelationships and interactions between ecological, economic and social factors and taking account of these factors when seeking solution strategies.  To meet this challenge, decision-makers require interdisciplinary approaches and strategies that cut across political lines.  Environmental discussions must become more objective, and this includes, especially, de-bates about the risks of new technologies, which are often ideologically charged.  In light of the complex issues involved in sustainable development, we need clearer standards for orienting and assessing our environmental policies.
Sustainable development can succeed only if all areas of the political sector, of society, and of science accept the concept and work together to implement it. A common basic understanding of environmental ethics is needed to ensure that protection of the natural foundation of life becomes a major consideration in all political and individual action. A dialogue among representatives of all sectors of society is needed if appropriate environmental policies are to be devised and implemented.
66. Biotechnology  ______.
A. can help save energy and integrate industry and agriculture
B. can rid humans of diseases and solve food problems
C. can treat pollution and protect environment
D.  all of the above
67.  Wastewater can be treated ______.
A.  in genetic engineering
B.  by means of biotechnology
C.  in agriculture as well as in industry
D.  without the need for breaking down pollutants
68.  When he says approaches and strategies that cut across political lines, the author means that they ______.
A.  involve economic issues
B.  observe ecological criteria
C.  are politically significant
D.  overcome political barriers
69.  It can be inferred from the passage that the complexity of sustainable development ______.
A.  makes it necessary to improve the assessing standards
B.  renders environmental discussion possible
C.  charges new technologies with risks
D.  requires simplification
70.  The success of sustainable development lies in ______.
A.  its concept to be
B.  good social teamwork
C.  appropriate environmental policies
D.  the representatives of all sectors of society

问题一:66题的 ABC在原文第一段中都有提到,为什么不选D

接着,确定她读懂了文章的行文思路,第一段讲Biotechnology的作用,第二段阐述Sustainability的概念,第三段呼吁Sustainable development需要work together
问题一:66题的 ABC在原文第一段中都有提到,为什么不选D
根据题干和选项内容,可知问的是Biotechnology的作用,显然定位第一段,乍一看ABC的内容好像都有提到,仔细比对才发现有“猫腻”。例如A选项中的save energy 和原文energy saving是对应的,但是integrate industry and agriculture并不是environmentally compatible industrial and agricultural production一致;B选项中的solve food problems对应solving food problems,但是rid humans of diseases(让人类摆脱疾病)bring important advances in medical diagnosis and therapy(为医学诊断和治疗带来重要进展)并非是一致的,明显不对等;而选项C. can treat pollution and protect environment可以说是对....specially targeted environmental protection projects的同义转换。所以,选错D的原因是比对选项和原文不够细致。

根据题干的approaches and strategies that cut across political hues定位第二段这句话To meet this challenge, decision-makers require interdisciplinary approaches and strategies that cut across political hues.(为了应对这一挑战,决策者需要跨越政治色彩的跨学科方法和策略。)这句话的To meet this challenge中的this challenge在这句话的前面,而decision-makers require interdisciplinary approaches and strategies that cut across political hues中的cut across political lines(跨越政治界限)理解在后一句Environmental discussions must become more objective, and this includes, especially, debates about the risks of new technologies, which are often ideologically charged.(环境问题的讨论必须变得更加客观,这尤其包括关于新技术风险的辩论,而这往往充满意识形态色彩。)由此可知,意识形态色彩即政治因素造成不够客观(objective),因此答案选D. overcome political barriers(克服政治障碍)

根据题干的complexity of sustainable development定位第二段最后一句话,In light of the complex issues involved in sustainable development, we need clearer standards for orienting and assessing our environmental policies. 其中the complex issues involved in sustainable development complexity of sustainable development是同义表达,显然答案A. makes it necessary to improve the assessing standards(有必要完善评估标准)可以从we need clearer standards for orienting and assessing our environmental policies(我们需要更清晰标准来指导和评估环境政策)中得来。
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