
2023-02-21 09:37点击次数:1163


Nose Picking May Increase Dementia Risk


A mouse study suggests an especially disgusting risk factor for dementia: nose picking.


Digging around in the nasal passage sends a bacteria known as Chlamydia pneumoniae up through the nasal passage and into the brain where it then attacks the central nervous system, according to the recent study, published in the journal, Scientific Reports. Once in the brain, the bacteria stimulates the deposit of amyloid beta protein thought to be a hallmark of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.


“We’re the first to show that Chlamydia pneumoniae can go directly up the nose and into the brain where it can set off pathologies that look like Alzheimer’s disease,” Professor James St John, Head of the Clem Jones Center for Neurobiology and Stem Cell Research, told SciTechDaily.com. “We saw this happen in a mouse model, and the evidence is potentially scary for humans as well.”


The team plans further study to see if the same pathways do in fact, exist in humans, St John added. If the relationship holds, St. John said it might suggest that memory loss might be modified by limiting nose picking and playing with nose hairs, as well as other lifestyle factors.


Studies already show an intriguing connection between the brain and nose. A decline in a person’s sense of smell over time can foretell structural changes in regions of the brain important in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.



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