
2024-08-28 08:57点击次数:526




【解析】形容词词义辨析。available“可获得的;有空的”;legitimate“合理的;合法的”;capable“有能力的;有才干的”;eligible“有资格的;合意的”。由句中关键词“under 18不满18岁”与“join this club加入这个俱乐部”的对应知“有资格的”符合语境,故D项正确。



【解析】名词词义辨析。list“目录,清单,列表”;plan“计划;方案;设计图”;arrangement “安排;布置;约定”;schedule“时刻表;日程安排;课程表”,on schedule“按时间表”。由句中关键词“Although the weather was very bad尽管天气非常恶劣”与“the buses still run…公共汽车还是……运行”的对应知可构成“on schedule按时间表”的D项正确。


【参考译文】Life itself led Jack London to reject this approach in his writing. He knew what it meant to be one person deprived of due rights, to be chained to the deadening routine of the machine and to soul-destroying labor for an insufficient reward. Consequently he swept aside not only the literature that pretended that ours is a society of sweetness and light, but also that which contended that the inculcation of the spirit of Christian fellowship would put an end to class conflicts. He did not oppose labor organization nor balk at the strike as a weapon of labor; rather he took his heroes and heroines from the labor movement and wove his plots within their struggles. He poured into his writings all the pains of his life, the fierce hatred of the bourgeoisie that such pains had produced in him and the conviction they had brought to him that world could be made a better place to live in if the exploited would rise up and seize the management of society from the hands of the exploiters.

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