
2024-10-08 10:06点击次数:44


For most of human history, the dominant concerns about energy have centered on the benefit side of the energy well-being equation. Inadequacy of energy resources or more often of the technologies and organizations for harvesting, converting, and distributing those resources has meant insufficient energy benefits and hence inconvenience, deprivation and constraints on growth. The 1970's, then, represented a turning point. After decades of constancy or decline in monetary costs—and of relegation of environmental and sociopolitical costs to secondary status-energy was seen to be getting costlier in all respects. It began to be probable that excessive energy costs could pose threats on insufficient supply. It also became possible to think that expanding some forms of energy supply could create costs exceeding the benefits.

老师解答:从结构上,for harvesting, converting, and distributing those resources在句中做后置定语修饰the technologies and organizations。此句句意:能源资源不足,或更经常的是收集、转换和分配这些资源的技术和组织不足,意味着能源利益不足,因此带来不便、匮乏和对增长的限制。exceeding the benefits在句中做后置定语修饰costs。此句句意:也有可能认为,扩大某些形式的能源供应可能会造成成本超过收益。


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