用法比较:number of / amount of / quantity of

2020-01-05 12:21点击次数:9740

number of + 可数名词
A large number of cows were infected.
There are a number of reasons why I can’t marry you.
A number of people were injured in the explosion.
I had warned her not to go there any number of times, but she wouldn’t listen.

amount of +不可数名词
The amount of work I got through in July was double the amount that I did in June.
No amount of love would heal the hatred she felt.
I had a certain amount of respect for him: he was a good footballer and a good ambassador for his country.

quantity of (或quantities of+一般接无生命的名词,可数不可数皆可, 更加正式。
They have recovered a quantity of petrol bombs at Wolff Close.
There were very small quantities of peppers on sale in the market.
There are very large quantities of gas beneath the North Sea.
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