
2020-03-03 15:43点击次数:6158

  1. 采取预防措施  take precautionary measures
  2. 体检  health checkup
  3. 制定计划  develop plans
  4. 支持员工的健康和幸福   support /ensure the health and well-being of the employees
  5. 实施政策 implement policies
  6. 疫情防控工作  epidemic prevention work
  7. 市政府  municipal government
  8. 急需的口罩  badly needed masks
  9. 减少贷款利率  loan interest rate cuts
  10. 疫情爆发  outbreak of coronavirus
  11. 出台政策   issue such policies
  12. 复工  resume work
  13. 维持市场稳定  maintain overall market stability
  14. 解决资本短缺 mitigate /appease capital shortage
  15. 有助于  be conductive to
  16. 中小微企业   medium, small and even micro enterprises
  17. 这些政策的重点A highlight of the policies
  18. 积极的中长期经济趋势   positive medium and long-term economic trend
  19. 加速发展数字和在线平台 accelerate digital and online platforms
  20. 继续为中国市场贡献力量  maintain our commitment to the China market
  21. 当务之急take top priority
  22. 强烈要求关注某事urge greater priority for sth
  23. Medical workers are the pillar(支柱) in the fight against the novel cornonavirus outbreak.
  24. stay in a state of high morale,energy and health
  25. inhibit the growth of the virus
  26. advise against 建议不要做
  27. Due to a decrease in immunity
  28. avoid close contact with ...maintain good personal hygiene  undergo checkups
  29. Rapid, open and transparent sharing of data is threaten by rumors and misinformation
  30. call for global efforts against ...
  31. Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, Chinese authorities have introduced policies and measures to respond to epidemic and help people get through difficult times.
  32. power supply 电力供应
  33. be infected with the virus /contract the virus
  34. 新感染病例量  the number of new infections   cases of infection  
  35. 感染的人 people infected with ....
  36. rally the whole nation and adopt a string of unprecedented measures to contain and mitigate the epidemic
38.play an active role in global response against the outbreak
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