
2024-09-24 16:19点击次数:361






When Tony Wagner, the Harvard education specialist, describes his job today, he says he’s “a translator between two hostile tribes” — the education world and the business world, the people who teach our kids and the people who give them jobs. Wagner’s argument in his book Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World is that our K-12 and college tracks are not consistently “adding the value and teaching the skills that matter most in the marketplace”.

61. In his book, Wagner argues that ______.

A. the education world is hostile to our kids

B. the business world is hostile to those seeking jobs

C. the business world is too demanding on the education world

D. the education world should teach what the marketplace demand

【解析】本题是该文章的第1道题,故推测出题点应该在文章较前的位置。根据题干中Wagner argues可快速定位到第1段 “Wagner’s argument in his book Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World is that our K-12 and college tracks are not consistently “adding the value and teaching the skills that matter most in the marketplace”. 托尼•瓦格纳在自己的著作《创造革新者:塑造会改变世界的年轻人》中的论点是我们的 K-12(从幼儿园到 12 年级的儿童教育)和大学教育轨道并非始终如一地‘增加价值并教授就业市场上最重要的技能’。”的对应可推知 D 项“教育界应该教授(劳动力)市场需求的内容”正确。A 项“教育界对我们孩子怀有敌意”;B 项“教育界对那些找工作 的人怀有敌意”;C 项“商界对教育界要求高”。




To address this systemic issue, we must do a better job of exposing the current and next generations of scientists to the rules of proper mentoring through seminars. For instance, on online modules, the societies of academic disciplines, institutions and individual departments can play a big part here, by developing codes of conduct and clear mechanisms for students to report violations.

79. Which of the following is NOT suggested as a way to address the systemic issue?

A. Development of codes of conduct.

B. Exposure of online misconducts.

C. Education about the rules of proper mentoring.

D. Development of clear mechanism for reporting.

【解析】本题考查不是解决系统问题的方法。定位到上段后,逐一对照原文与选项,发现A项“发展行为准则”与文中by developing codes of conduct对应;C 项“就适当指规则进行教育”与exposing the current and next generations of scientists to the rules of proper mentoring对应; D 项“发展明确的告发机制”与clear mechanisms for students to report violations对应;而B(曝光在线的不当行为)与看似与文中的exposing和online modules对应,但意思上有实质区别。


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